Twist of Fate Incense


Some view fate and destiny as infallible truths, others believe it to be more of a suggestion that is open to outside influence. Twist of Fate was devised as an attempt to swindle fortune tellers out of tavern money by a few enterprising apprentices. While the apothecary cannot guarantee (or recommend) relying on incense and wishes alone to attract a few coins to your purse, the woody and cedarlike aroma of this blend is sure to brighten your day at the very least.

Ingredients: Palo Santo, Juniper Berry, Burgundy Pitch, Makko, Guar Gum

Intentions: Prosperity, Luck & Strength

Associated Elements: Air, Fire

Incense is sold in packs of 20 sticks. These sticks are coreless and produce low-smoke as a result. Burn time is approximately 30-45 minutes per stick. Burn in well-ventilated areas and minimize exposure to young children and small animals.

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